Making Career Development Simpler & More Accessible Since 1979
Serving Career Development Professionals for 43 Years
The Career Development Network is an international non-profit association of career practitioners first established by late career expert, Richard “Dick” Knowdell, and now led by Rich Feller, Ph.D.
Dick is well known as the creator of the card sorts used by millions: the Career Values, Motivated Skills, Occupational Interest, and the Leisure/Retirement Activities Card Sorts.
Members provide career coaching, counseling, and advising in higher education, workforce centers, corporate settings - and everything in between.
ICF Approved Training
Transitions require applying a simple, comprehensive, accountability framework, built around the 4 Step Knowdell Career Transition Model. Practicing helping skills, tools and insights to facilitate, guide, and nudge clients to success is our promise.
The Job and Career Transition Coach (JCTC), Job and Career Development Coach (JCDC), and Knowdell Career Advisor (KSA) programs certified (by ICF) include the latest strategies and resources.
Real-time role-playing (e.g., use of Personality Lingo Cards, Knowdell Card Sorts, YouScience aptitude guidance system, Who You Are Matters game, Challenge Cards, Calling Cards, Behavioral Interview Cards), take-home support videos, and personal follow-up makes the (In-person or real-time virtual) fully experiential program unique and efficient.
Career Resources Curated with You in Mind
Career coaching, counseling, and advising should be easier to learn and more accessible to all career practitioners. Our library of resources serves to support your effectiveness as a career practitioner.
Inside, we offer free Journal articles, videos, webinars, and vetted tools and programs that are curated with your needs in mind.
Join Our Community for Free
Membership in the Career Development Network is free. Network members work in higher education, business organizations, government agencies, social service agencies, outplacement consulting firms, and private career coaching and counseling firms.
The Network proudly serves members throughout North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. All are welcome here to join our free community of practice sessions.
We’re Here for You
Please reach out to us with questions, ideas, or requests for training. Our Executive Director, Rich Feller, is just an email away.